Peacemaker Song
[Inspired by Matthew V:1-19]
Here’s a list of fundamentals for fundamentalists
A sermonette out to convert you duped evangelists:
Blessed are the poor in spirit doesn’t mean we ignore the poor
Go find your prodigal heart my friend—knock on Heaven’s door
Blessed are the meek, the givers not the takers
Blessed are the merciful and the peacemakers
Hear ye noble liberals, it’s time to talk no bull
To progress at all in congress we’ve got to pull the wool
From the eyes of those outfoxed by wolves in sheeps’ attire
By greedy treasonous leaders led by fear and blind desire
Blessed are the meek, not the evil-sayers
Blessed are the merciful and the peacemakers
The meek will inherit the earth someday, let’s do what we can do now
To help all those hoodwinked by lies get free and unconfused now
And lift the heavy bushels off the love-light in our hearts
And welcome peace between us all before we fall apart
Blessed are the meek, not the low law breakers
Blessed are the merciful and the peacemakers
A guy from Bethlehem passed through here many years ago
He knew we are the light of love and wanted everyone to know
So he went up into a mountain and he opened up his mouth
and the sermon heard by the multitude resounds from then to now
Blessed are the meek, the lovers not the haters,
The givers not the takers, not the evil-sayers,
Not the low law breakers,
He said
Blessed are the merciful and the peacemakers
Blessed are the merciful and the peacemakers
Geoff Oelsner 3.24.24